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Guardian Securities Limited Website Disclaimer

Important information
The information on this website has been prepared and issued by Guardian Securities Limited
(“Guardian Securities”) (ABN 47 106 187 731, AFSL No. 240506) for general information purposes
only, without taking into account any potential investors’ personal objectives, financial situation or
needs. Before investing, you should consider your own objectives, financial situation and needs or you
should obtain financial, legal and/or taxation advice.

Guardian Securities does not give personal product advice. The content on this website provides only
general financial product advice. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
While due care and attention has been exercised in the preparation of forecast information, forecasts,
by their very nature, are subject to uncertainty and contingencies, many of which are outside the control
of Guardian Securities. Actual results may vary from any forecasts and any variation may be materially
positive or negative.

Before you decide to invest or continue to invest in the Fund, you should consider the Product
Disclosure Statement (PDS). You can get a copy of the PDS by calling +617 3188 6650.